Walk 30km a day FOR TWO MONTHS from Brno Czech Republic to thessaloniki Greece this August 1st 2012!They will offer daily Moksha yoga classes in the villages,and towns they pass through, as well to larger yoga communties in the major cities they pass through
(BRNO,VIENNA, BRATISLAVA,BUDAPEST, NOVI SAD, BELGRADE, NIS, THESSALONIKI)Sleeping in tents,buying food locally,TEACHING YOGA AND WALKING being close to the earth, and reconnecting to Roots is one ASPECTof the walk,AND OUR AIM IS TO HELP

BUILD COMMUNITY and SHOW SUPPORT to all those affected by the often stifling effects of austerity measures in Greece, including the REFUGEES in Greece.


PEOPLE are welcome to join us for the walk,or just parts of it, and we would GREATELY APPRECIATE ANY CONTRIBUTIONS!
We are fundraising money for gas and food.The gas is for the car that will be carrying the sleeping equipment and in case of medical equipment and back up support.Please contact us for more information!

Christina and I, are fortunate enough to come from a family that is rich in the refugee and immigrant story.
Our grandparents from our mom’s side were Greek refugees to Greece from Asia Minor. After the civil war they
were Greek refugees in Czechoslovakia. Our mom was born there and so was Christina. In 1979, we left Czechoslovakia and went to Greece. In 1981 our family made it to Canada. We have been extremely inspired and influenced by travel, community building and diverse cultures all our lives.


Walk to Greece is a SUPER EXCITING TOTALLY HARDCORE community building event.Two Moksha Yoga teachers(Anna and Christina Smutny) decide to walk their talk.